Just Another Adult

Author of “VISUAL SHOCK – Sometimes You Have to Promise Not to Fall in Love~”, the winning entry of the MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023, Present-Day Cup: Chance Encounter.

About Just Another Adult

ANO [a.k.a. Just Another Adult] has been writing for a lot longer than he would like to admit, but has never made any of his work available to the public, prior to 2020. VISUAL SHOCK is his first full length webnovel, first contest entry, and first ever win all rolled into one. ANO’s main inspirations come from anime, cinema, music, and philosophy, and he aims to blend these together through his work. The best thing anyone has said about ANO’s writing – in his opinion – is, “It’s like you ‘paint’ with the prose sometimes.”

All of ANO’s one off short stories can be read for free on his blog. These are a mix of early experiments in style, joke requests from friends, and pieces without a home elsewhere. ANO has a degree in Linguistics, has worked in a dozen different fields over the years, and moved to about as many places. His interests range from video editing, to mediaeval reenactment and cooking, when he is not stressing over what to write next. ANO has a long list of works planned across a range of genres and styles, so keep reading, because this is only the start of his career.